Getting married at ICF Munich
Do you call ICF Munich in the metropolitan area home and want to tie the knot?
We will accompany you on your way down the aisle.
Because we believe that the best preparation for your marriage is to grow in your love for God and for each other.
This way you can get rid of ungodly influences before marriage and build a strong foundation for your future together.
That’s why we recommend that you take our Amore Group as well as the discipleship steps EXPLORE and GET FREE.
We will be happy to put you in touch with our wedding pastors and accompany you on the way to your big day.
Just get in touch using the contact form or write to us by email.
Congratulations on the engagement!
We want to accompany you on the way to your wedding.
Here is a video for you from our lead pastors Frauke and Tobias Teichen (in German):
We offer a church wedding by one of our wedding pastors to every couple who has found their spiritual home in one of the locations of the ICF Munich Metropolitan Area.
Um euch auf eure Ehe vorzubereiten, empfehlen wir euch folgende Angebote
To prepare you for your marriage, we recommend the following:
- For specific relationship know-how, we recommend “AMORE Group” our open small group for married and unmarried couples. Over 9 evenings, you will learn about God’s ideas about relationships and marriage, you will be able to share with other couples and, if you wish, you can arrange a one-to-one conversation with a married couple who will support you. Here you get more information.
- If you haven’t already done so, take part in Explore – Get Free – Impact to grow spiritually, mature in character and address individual issues. This will enable you to build your future marriage and life together on a strong foundation of faith.
- Use existing relationships with other couples to inspire, encourage and support each other (Tip: also seek out couples in similar life situations, e.g. multicultural marriages, second marriages, blended families, etc.)
- If you notice that you are reaching your limits with certain topics, take advantage of couple coaching to go deeper in a protected environment with experienced married couples and to solve your issues.
We believe that marriage cannot be “prepared” by simply attending a workshop, but that healthy marriage preparation is based on three pillars:
Discipleship and personal growth in faith
Opportunities to discuss relationship-related topics with other couples, e.g. in a small group
Selective one-to-one support from experienced married couples at points where you get stuck
If you know a leader that you can contact directly, please do so. If you can’t think of anyone or the leader of your choice is not available, we will ask our wedding pastors for you.
In either case, please use the registration form to let us know that you are getting married. This will enable us to help you further if necessary and celebrate your “I dos” with a small gift.
- Getting to know each other (if not already done)
- Clarify your understanding and ideas about marriage
- Record the story of how you met
- Discuss the procedure and important arrangements for the wedding ceremony
If ICF is your spiritual home, you will not incur any costs other than travel expenses and possibly accommodation for the marriage pastor.
If you wish, you can get a marriage certificate from us after your wedding.
Yes, we are always open to working with other Christian churches and pastors.
For us, a binding marriage includes both: the legal marriage in the registry office and the covenant before God in the church wedding.
At the registry office, you say yes to a civil marriage and to the legal obligations that go with it (§§1297-1588 BGB Book 4 Family Law, Section 1 Civil Marriage; approx. 2/3 of the paragraphs regulate property law, divorce, and laws regarding supporting a spouse).
With the church wedding, you enter into a covenant before God and promise each other fidelity “in good times and in bad” and “until death do us part,” which you will fulfill “with God’s help.”
We strongly recommend that you have the civil wedding ceremony and the church wedding ceremony close together, and let the wedding night be the special gift after the civil wedding and church wedding.
Technical support:
– We are happy to lend you equipment if it is possible for us on your date. Unfortunately, however, we are currently unable to provide technicians for the wedding.
Musical support:
– Unfortunately, we don’t have a permanent team for weddings. However, we are happy to provide contacts for musicians/singers in our church if you need them.
– Unfortunately, we can’t currently offer a suitable location for the wedding. Therefore, you’ll have to find one yourselves. Our tip: Ask people who have already gotten married and let yourself be inspired.