Ups and downs are part of every phase of a relationship. We want to help you in every step of your relationship, to walk close to God’s heart and to grow in your love for each other. In our view, three things are crucial for this:
1. Experienced couples who will be at your side as wise advisors
2. Discipleship and sincere fellowship with other couples that you can be real with oneanother and grow spiritually
3. Biblical relationship know-how that will help you learn how to continually grow your love for each other
But what offers are avaialble for you, and how and when can they be used?
Here is a roadmap for each phase of your relationship!
Do you have butterflies in your stomach and everything seems rosy? Or are your feelings more of a rollercoaster, where the rosy turns to black time and again and you ask yourself: What’s wrong with us? Relax!
We recommend the following plan:
Do Explore and Get Free TOGETHER to build your relationship on a strong foundation of faith and get rid of ungodly influences.
Use our Amore Group to grow in your relationship with each other and to connect with other couples.
Contact us so that we can put mentors at your side to support you individually
The two of you have decided for each other and want to get married? Wow, congratulations! But maybe you also have some questions now, such as: Who will marry us? Where will we get married? How can we prepare well for our marriage? We want to give you answers to exactly these questions!
And this is how you proceed:
Contact us as soon as possible so that we can assign a wedding pastor to you and give you ideas for locations around Munich.
If you have not yet done so in the relationship phase, now is the time to take the steps that we recommended under LOVE!
Marriage is the last thing left of paradise. But sometimes marriage is the hardest thing, isn’t it? As divine as the idea of marriage is, from time to time it can also be challenging. So that you are not alone in your daily marriage, we want to give your marriage a home and help you to grow spiritually and experience God together.
Impact, our third step of discipleship, is your secret weapon for giving your marriage even more spiritual depth and for experiencing God’s work in your everyday married life in a very practical way.
Whether you are married or engaged, do something good for your relationship and arrange a conversation with our coaches today!
Connect personally, experience God and grow spiritually – that’s what happens in our groups. Make your marriage a home and journey together with other couples.
Use our Amore Group to grow in your relationship with each other and to connect with other couples.
Groups, Coaching and Events
Through groups, couples coaching, pre-marital guidance and events; we want to help you in every phase of your relationship to grow together in your faith, discover God’s wisdom in relationship matters and experience his powerful work in your everyday relationship life.
Next Events
AMORE GroupBeziehung genießen
Wie schön, dass ihr bei AMORE Group, unserer Smallgroup auf Zeit für verheiratete und unverheiratete Paare, dabei sein möchtet. Wir freuen uns darauf, im kommenden Semester mit euch gemeinsam Gottes Herz für Beziehung und Ehe zu entdecken, einander besser kennenzulernen und miteinander göttliches Beziehungs-Know-how zu trainieren.
Die 9 Treffen finden alle zwei Wochen mittwochabends statt.
Anmeldung erforderlich!
Anmeldeschluss: Freitag, 21.03.2025
AMORE GROUP – FRESH LOVEfür junge Paare, nur vor Ort
Wie schön, dass ihr bei AMORE Group, unserer Smallgroup auf Zeit für frisch verliebte, frisch verlobte und frisch verheiratete Paare, dabei sein möchtet. Wir freuen uns darauf, im kommenden Semester mit euch gemeinsam Gottes Herz für Beziehung und Ehe zu entdecken, einander besser kennenzulernen und miteinander göttliches Beziehungs-Know-how zu trainieren.
Die 9 Treffen finden ausschließlich live und alle zwei Wochen mittwochabends statt. Zur Vorbereitung des jeweiligen Abends erhaltet ihr Videos.
AMORE GroupBeziehung genießen
Wie schön, dass ihr bei AMORE Group, unserer Smallgroup auf Zeit für verheiratete und unverheiratete Paare, dabei sein möchtet. Wir freuen uns darauf, im kommenden Semester mit euch gemeinsam Gottes Herz für Beziehung und Ehe zu entdecken, einander besser kennenzulernen und miteinander göttliches Beziehungs-Know-how zu trainieren.
Die 9 Treffen finden alle zwei Wochen mittwochabends statt.
Anmeldung erforderlich!
Anmeldeschluss: Mittwoch, 01.10.2025
Our desire is to give your relationship a home, to accompany you before and during your marriage, and to support you in growing in your love for God and for one another.
With God’s help and many other volunteer couples at our side, we make this dream possible.