ICF Munich is a free, non-denominational church with a biblical foundation, which was born out of the dream to build a church that is vibrant, relevant and contemporary.
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familyWe hope that the church can become a family for you. Become part of our church family and experience real and binding relationships!
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Our events are opportunities for you to make new acquaintances or deepen friendships. No matter whether you are new or already know a lot of people, we are happy to have everyone who enjoys life with us
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Willkommen im ICF
Das ICF München ist eine überkonfessionelle Freikirche auf biblischer Grundlage, die aus dem Traum entstanden ist, Kirche für die Menschen wieder dynamisch, lebensnah und zeitgemäß zu gestalten. Wir feiern gemeinsam den Glauben an Gott, integrieren ihn im Alltag und leben freundschaftliche Beziehungen.
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